Stair Treads Materials
At StairWorx we bring to life that perfect look for your new stairs you have been waiting for. From cables, to balusters, and all the way to treads, we have you covered. Treads and landing platforms can enhance any stairs look to fit any space. When it is time to update the treads, it is also probably time to update the balusters and railings. Some treads can be replaced without replacing balusters and railings but others unfortunately cannot. Our team is here to help you figure that out.
No matter the shape of tread, such as, square, rounded, or remodel (retro) treads we can help you figure out what works best for your space. If you are not sure what new look to go for, or what style tread best fits your needs, don’t worry. Give us a call and speak to one of our experts about your project. We are happy to help you find the perfect treads for your new stairs. Call Today!